What do you want from me?

There's a guy I met one day at the university while I was eating alone on the grass :E,
we talked about typical topics and then I had to go to my classes...

I gave him my mail 'cause I don't have facebook neither whatsapp (He asked me for them...)
and I thought it was so cute his attempt of talking to me and I felt really good with that feeling of ''being wanted''

But I don't know what he wants from me...

We met again but I felt really uncomfortable between my mindproblems (about the age difference and my inferiority complex), and that it was an invitation to eat (why so serious?)
but later he said he was on a diet and ate something very little he brought...

And we talked again about mainsteam stuff,
but this time I really wasn't like acting with naturalness.
Not because I like him... Perhaps I have social phobia at least with people I don't know well, I acted a little stupid or too childish, and again NOT because I like him, I think it's because of the situation,
it was weird,
I'm not accustomed to accept that kind of proposals from strangers, to be alone with a person of the other sex talking as an arranged thing...
 Anyway, I'm not sure... I had to wait until he came which made me more nervous...And I really don't want serious stuff...
I didn't felt like the first time ('cause the other time had been spontaneous, this time like planned and I didn't like that...)

He sometimes sends me e-mails of ''we could go to the cinema'' or something like that,
to keep in touch...
And I answer because otherwise I feel guilty of giving no answer :c

What can I do?
Should I keep answering and ''let the things flow'' to get to know each other?
Anyway, we've not talked a lot, we almost don't know each other...
That's why I've not accepted any invitation to the cinema

And the little we've spoken it's not like
we have much in common like he said,
I didn't feel any chemistry like I've heard in the series I've seen so far xD
but I think we could perhaps be friends or something...

But I really don't know what he really wants from me!

(And that's what bothers me a fuckin' lot)

...I think this situation showed me how scared I am to get into deeper relationships...

(or that I imagine too much about people's intentions 
or that my expectations about other people are too great, no, stop. I already knew that one :P)

 Nobody answered and I didn't ask you (´cause I really didn't know how to do it in a proper manner) but I don't wanna (cowardly) take any risk, 
I really don't want a romantic relationship,
soo I will just wish you find somebody better than me and I'm really sorry if I gave you any false expectation... 

Qué otra cosa puedo hacer... No lo sé

Poder decir adiós es crecer (?

(Better to say it now or not to say anything?)


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