Don't let it get you down

I'm a quarrelsome person...
but when I think others are probably going to fight
I normally try to avoid it.

Today it wasn't the exception...
My family and I were eating gnocchi...
My father doesn't like this type of food that much
and my mother wanted to eat bread with the meal...
As a result my father started to claim
that's why I told him to look at me and my beautiful eyes (which are just brown xD)
to avoid the row...
But then the brother that doesn't like me so much (my comments and acts)
got angry and said that I should stop saying so many shitty comments (They weren't exactly the words but I don't remember them)...
After that I started to burst into tears, I don't know why, it was a cruel comment of him but I think I'm a bit sensible these days and there is a big chaos on my head...
(This song is a try to explain it but you can't explain a chaos)

Anyway the most important of all is that:


(This song makes me so happy c:)
That's the reason behind this
I think we shouldn't listen to all people
some just wanna make you feel as shit as they feel
and wanna take our light away
because it blinds them
They have to accept that you were born this way (haha I unintentionally quoted the song of Lady Gaga :P but she is right according to me)

In conclusion
don't get them get you down and start meeting true people
who like you just as you are and don't hurt you to pleasure themselves all the fucking time
They aren't true friends

...And if it's your brother who's STRESSED because of the university stuff 
you'll have to accept him,
 to be more intelligent than him 
and to meet him fewer times
I suppose...


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