but they all want the same why this long gone guy...

I still...
Was it for the food and the looks
His funny eyes 
The music 
His touch 
Those at the last moment kind of spontaneous invitations 
Was i more needy at that time?
I don't know what he did different from others. 

But he was kind of rude once
Showed his intentions 
But i still
He was so kind and bully at the same time
It's weird. 
Maybe I'm psychologically malformed to like those kind of people. To crave to get their attention. 
Or maybe i can still learn. Learn how to form healthy, accepting and real relationships. 
He wasn't a bad guy anyways.
But that's only the basis
He disappeared now. 
Absences tend to use a lot of space.
Nobody deserves that feeling of abandon after having received a hug and kisses that sent you directly to the universe and stars, the real ones now. 
I'm still learning 
To love
Taking care of my needs and raising them up before everything and all that. 
I'm still learning. 


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