i miss u so much it's sick it's truly sick I KEEP TELLING MYSELF THAT I SHOULDN'T INSIST


 desde que te fuiste o cuando comenzaste a hacerlo y me hice la lesa a pesar de intuirlo

por primera vez estando triste a excepción de un septiembre en que tampoco estabas pero creí me despedirían

ahora cuando estoy triste ya sí salenlas lágrimas

es raro

antes ya se habían secado por la frustración

ahora no

ahora otra vez.

I feel so sick. I sould be. You were a fuckin light and you fuckin took it to yourself. I accepted it and approved it. But it still hurts.

When I feel lost well you're not here anymore

when something bad happens well you're not here anymore

I beg myself not to even mention you but your name appears everywhere


dices que ya te cortaste el pelo...



why you scared

your destiny may keep you warm



'cause all of the stars are fading away just try not to worry you'll see them someday just take what you need and be on your way and stop crying your heart out


you'll never change what's been and gone

let it be 


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