hasta donde llega eso del síndrome? necesitaré realmente ese apoyo psicoterapeutico? o no me volverán más loca

No sé, estuve tanto tiempo sola que no sé siento que un día quizás todo se acabe
Se me hizo raro que me escribieran tanto espontáneamente 
O algo así o quizás le di color hoy
Pero really remo que tarde o temprano se den cuenta y se vayan para siempre
Así como todxs los anteriores.
Nothing stays forever. 
That is why it hurts because you had other feeling before being alone. And feeling lonely about it. 

I don't know what I want.

What if I think I know but what I want is just him to leave home?
Blaming on others 
my self-limitations

While writing this... 
 I See again the Sun shining 
With this cold and I know it's the night already 
The sun I was rejecting for getting pleasure somewhere else 
dreaming of what I can't have
Rejecting it for being too Sticky, according to my opinion
the sun

The toxicity
I don't know nothing.


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