factor común - common patterns y

Some have
Been cut by the
Same scissors
You tell them something and then they start talking about themselves 
who's not done that before...
And what if it is always happening every time you talk to them? 

Today she told me she would go out but that I didn't have to miss her because she would be back soon due to the heat or something like that 
And I was like okay... 
What would I miss?
I mean I'm happy she's alive and stuff and grateful they've still not dumped me but... 
We barely talk
Even when living in the same house
What would I miss?

I miss 
I miss not having a woman's body
Even sexy or not, at this age it comes with pain and blood and filthy looks at it, so...
And hair that you have to cut. 

What do I miss?
I miss believing that people was well-intentioned even if i was blind at that time for a long long while
I miss stepping inside the metro station or a bus and staring at a diverse group of people
I miss not being locked down in my house and having reasons to come out and being uncomfortable with people, learning about the real life
I miss when I believed more in people and not being so tired or always defensive 
I miss hugs
I miss feeling welcomed into my grandparent's house on shabbat and going with Mariel to the kitchen snd spending time with her eating artichokes and sucking the rest of lemon of the plate
I miss not being worried about the future in addition to relationships and having no friends 
I miss reading from paper and books and riding my bike to the station 

What I don't miss, because I can do it nowadays is to facilitate spaces to promote collaborative learning even if I'm sick and tired of the dsily tasks  that's the one good thing that motivates me today, because it's about helping others to learn and not getting stuck like it usually happens to me
What I don't miss so much is to experiment, maybe and most probably I don't do it much in real life but I can happily experiment with tools in the cloud to build stuff 
What I don't miss
Meeting mean people in person, today I can just shut down the camera and pretend shit is just perfect between us. 

What I miss 
Me being more real and genuine, less fake
What I don't miss
Me being easily influenced to believe sny shit they told me without questioning in live encounters
Me going after people to remind them I still exist, I don't miss it, it still remains the same. 
Socially excluded groups, it's still the same, even when I thought it wasn't 


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