reflexiones durante y después de ver ¿Qué pasó con Brittany Murphy? -heartbreaking








to these sociopaths

nadie nos roba porque no tenemos nada ...

like simon monjack 


igual esa gente te roba lo que puede

tu fama todo

mientras te roben tu seguridad y vivacidad

ya están felices.

go on

Take everything 

he took one her virginity manipulating her emotionally to get pregnant due to a cancer he never really had, got a child and left her for another woman. To probably suck her life and money and energy too

trust nobody

lo que puede hacerte sentir la carencia de una figura paterna o refuerzos de que no eres suficiente por ti misma o una ausencia de loving mother 

the fuckin' chains

but she (my mentor, I don't pay her -like I used to to my psychologist that left me alone without any goodbye words beyond whatsapp and emails -.-, my still enterprise does pay her it and she might have also chosen i

she told me not to get isolated, she told me to be close to my enemies

 that it wasn't strategical or cynnical

it was about trying out the water cautiously to learn if it was someone I could trust or to take care of

but anyways this kind of people needed someone to rely on 

because they couldn't manage on themselves to be floating

she recommended me to ask questions always to find out the truth

to play out as being curious.


I'm still choosing isolation,

it might not be like before

all these vacations I spent time alone in the house watching series without any call or invitation

there might be some people that really want to hang out with me now

but I didn't appear or they left me hanging and

honestly I don't know them enough 

I'm afraid of playing the fool again

and all of a sudden not getting any anwers to my questions, genuine curiosity and kind words

Being left out again


So, I thought

If I am alone already and can stand on to myself even if I'm sad 

nobody could hurt me or manipulate me emotionally to make me pregnant or do whatever they want to do with me


telling me we won't see each other again if I don't accept

that's threatening

fuck off, I just want my fuckin' books back

I lent them to you with my soul open with all the spirit so you could grow and learn

it was a fuckin' mistake I trusted you

I was, like Brit (but not comparable, obviously) at my worst moment emotionally, it was the first time my grandma stopped talking to me, now she did it again


I might be already protecting myself unconsciously(?

I know for sure now

you just said what I wanted to hear so you could meet me

suck it manipulative controlling guy

it was too fast

and then after promising the stars you fuckin' disappeared

fuck off after returning me my books

 I don't have to feel sorry because you never really felt something for me

proof of it

when I was down again you just couldn't even have a meet call

that is not even being a friend

making me feel like I was crazy when I am with you

reminding me the worst of being home...

I have to believe all the signs I feel in my body and leave

end of the story

with this guy




but I have to come out again

and make a fake smile even if she says is not being cynnical at all.

It is to me.

I'm tired of that, I want to be real and I want real people around me. 

Why is it so hard to get?

Is it because I freaked out and I'm still locked down in my room?


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