preferiría morir que seguir escuchando sus desprecios.

In the end it doesnt even matter... 
 if you ve got a job or not

Prefiero estar estresada que not feeling supported

Como que es:
 la pega esa que tienes

La que vale hongo la

Que aún tienes tu casa

... 0 fe

A lo más: lo importante es que nos pagan por esto

Pero vuelve everyday
Con eso serás rica jajajjajaja 


I don't wanna share time with you guys, really not.
Don't wonder if I don't, we just share space some time and blood.

But if I could go somewhere else where treating people respectfully kindly as people
I would go there. 
Totally would. 
But as you say always. I still don't have enough money.

It is horrible to hear that all of what you accomplished has no vale and what you currently do doesn't have it either.
IT hurts. 
A lot. 

Why did you make me if you were going to treat me like trash?

... 'Cause I would not expect someone to stay around if I let them down


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