real love

That's real love.
I don't know how to handle this no more, it is making me sick
And sad
I don't want that. Sorry not sorry
I don't wanna say ask taylor or shit like that
If you do care you would be there. 
You are not. 
Anf i am no longer there either. 
It is better to cut it off.
It's taking the worst out of me. 
I do not want to be this way. I do wanna learn how to approach those situations but in a healthy safe place. I no longer feel that you are that for me. Sorry not sorry but you left me fuckin' lonely more than a couple of times. 
I think it is better to cut it.
I started crossing the lines because you were never there.
Now I don't want you to be. I don't want to force things. 


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