idk if this is gonna work or if it's just a huge waste of the little money I got

Idk if I will get better or if I am too defectuosx
If i can get fixed or if I am a lost cause
A forever waiting on the bench
Waiting for the approval of all the projects
Waiting sitting waiting for others to notice I am still there
That I can help and make a change
I just have to stand there fight for it but ich habe keine Lust mehr 
I just wanna sleep and rest
Or to have fun with no worries for a week at least and they wouldn't give it to me. 
I decided to make a change but it seems not to have worked at all. 
Just there saying hi nomeolvides
But they still forget the shit we talked about and I have to insist about those topics and needs that I have and recognize that they have a value and that I do have a value. That I don't have to wait to be stepped on and be treated like trash or ignored to remember it.


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