traces of love

I would be the sugar daddy to all the women that don't have any money
And I don't need any stars to do that. 
I saw that needy look in her eyes
At first i wanted just to escape as quickly as possible like others did, but that desperate look and words asking me to wash the auto completely for 4000; everything, the scars in her face, the hair growing everywhere like when you're getting old, her curly hair, but above all that look in her eyes 
Reminded me of my own
I've been there many times, but still got my toxic family to support me
She got nobody but herself and her own strength to keep on pushing and surviving in to the streets.

Today he told me I was the only one not believing I was great 
I wish I could see through his blue eyes but I don't. 

And I've been there before also 
Men. They lie to get what they want and all of a sudden they stop talking to you as the used to do
They first say they will give you all their stars and so on and then you get nothing and even more, they disappear

I would stay with women
Love them like my honey 
But the one I like doesn't like me back, maybe just like my mom. 
And yeah, women are so complicated usually focusing at all the power, the bad talking behind your back, maybe because there aren't so many opportunities for us and there is no automatic or native sorority. So, we're supposed to fight against each other and expect to be compared between of us
Fighting, talking behind your back, unnecessary critics, cynicism 
And so on and so on
But yeah, traces of love
Trying to fix bugs with no changes not changing really anything 
Staying alive
With myself 

He was right, the one I don't like, I've not been to the office for a very long time 
But I don't miss him nor her and many in there 
Otherwise, they would invite me and tell me to come, right? It would not just doesn't matter if I appeared there or not. 

Anyways, I'm a bit sad about that I miss some people in there, I miss her and maybe even him, I finally know his name and both of them have appeared in my dreams already, one like a dancer I looked at in the distance and couldn't be with due to my responsibilities and the other as someone I forgot about and left there like a plant and didn't even remember the day it was, even in my dream I'm fucked in the head with dates and names

I guess I do not miss them enough to go. 
And I've been busy with bugs and stuff
I don't give time to social stuff no more lately and it's just more than evident. 

But those things and truth to be said everything in life really, it's all just temporary. 


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