when you don't have nothing, but you give too much you got a problem

Because the only thing you've got are emotions and feelings and you gave a lot then nothing came back
So you start feeling embarrassed and not yourself anymore, scared of giving
Scared of being robbed more ideas or energy
That's the end of the story.

You told her you didn't feel being paid attention and she stopped talking to you after putting a cynical message of understanding ended by a smiley face. Really wanna come back to that?? 
That "darling" even not fought for ya
Yo' really 
Max is great, even it being a fictional character, that is friendship 
Not words that mean nothing without any actions to support them. You deserve better. 
Remember being at my lowest having to talk to strangers because you were never there.
I'm not the bad guy. You are and I can't stand staying where you are just because you asked me for that tiny favor because "we are friends". Just because you can't stand there on yourself, you just know how to stand back another people and appear only to receive the medals. Poor, pity you. Keep on wasting your energy, being organized and persevering, those characteristics of your I liked, but you're way too... 
You are too toxic to me.


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