you notice you're bad at love if the one you miss and wanna dedicate this song is a "boss" which you've never met in person

We created something special
We've been through so much shit especially i made her go through but hopefully make her grow a little on her emotional skills that exist
She's like the loving mother/father that wanted me to grow and learn from my mistakes without punishments for it that I've never had.
Isn't it toxic?
I miss her so much
I feel cynical now when I ask others how they feel, honestly day by day going by I barely care and I felt so awkward when a guy on the client's side noticed I was so deeep down emotionally speaking
 I broke then being with myself 
On all my insecurities all the weird path I've been and still don't know where it iw landing, feeling like a real impostor day by day, no syndrome, not willing to know anything about my past known people because maybe i would be that person that says great without much enthusiasm for the goals accomplished by others i don't wanna be that who is resigned to what life brought and stays rhere unhappy without meaning
But really I kind of hate every person in my current job trying to get attention for the tiny shit they did by robbing other people's effort, ideas and material like a fake shine and then everybody stands up and give an applause anyway, it's so cynical. 
Now I feel like I don't care about no one's well-being and only some rare times mine
{Today I breathed in and out for 5 minutes and then got stressed out about an issue and went back to work before planned because my partner didn't trust me even having shown him the documentation and it was on my mind i reacted snd brought a solution to achieve an agreement. Afterwards, he said we learnt something new and then you should trust yourself more and now I'm like you doubted me and I brought you the master of the matter at the customer side and then fixed
Or not really because then I cried about my fakeness not only on work, about the stupidity that made me believe a manipulative person that she ever cared about me and wanted to be my only friend... how did I put myself so vulnerable and genuine in front of a feelingless shit and then yeah no new friends and everyone I still suck in this. Those dreams about past best friends and showing me off my unstable past relationships is not helping.} 
Good girl gone bad? don't think so, locked up in the room
She really truly cared about how I was feeling every (fuckin') day, even became happy when I was finally happy after noticing all I went through and that I'd grown lots. 
I love her so much
Affectionately speaking 
But it is work 
And she knows it
But I told her too
She's irreplaceable, she is the sun and the stars
if I would finally leave this I would like to bring her with me
But yeah I've never met her in person, sometimes it is different... But I still love her. I hope she's doing well. 


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